Rosemica Calixte more commonly known as Mica, is the owner & manager of HBMStudios located in the heart of Roselle Park. Very early on Mica was blessed with the opportunity to attend a vocational school where she obtained her diploma along with a certified trade. Mica left high school and entered college with a license in cosmetology which allowed her to practice and perfect her craft. Mica graduated from Rutgers University with a bachelors in Psychology and Criminal Justice but chose to pursue a career in cosmetology.
Moreover, Mica’s parents and family continue to be a great support system. The most vital lesson they taught her was the importance of prayer and putting God first. These teachings set the foundation for wisdom, endurance and growth in everything aspect of Mica’s life.
In addition, Mica has worked for three different salons prior to owning her own. After her third leave Mica realized that the ideal place she was once searching for didn’t exist. This discomfort induced the birth of
The H A I R B Y M I C A Salon now known as HBMStudios. Today HBMStudios provides each stylist with a place to learn from one another and grow as one. Rending exceptional service for all hair types in a timely fashion is one of the many perks that sets this salon apart from the rest.
Mica owes all her success to God because without him nothing would have been possible.
1 Corinthians 2:9 states, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him."
This is only the beginning, and prepare to see more of HBMStudios.